Pump Solutions, Inc. proudly represents Phoenix Pump firewater pump packages. Phoenix Pump is an industry-leader in the design and assembly of pump systems used in Offshore Fire Protection and Onshore Fire Protection. With over 20 years of experience, Phoenix Pump is the reliable choice to provide the pumping solutions you need. As a proven world leader in fire pump systems with hundreds of reliable fire pump installations, Phoenix Pump, Inc. offers complete diesel and electric driven on shore and offshore fire pump packages built in Houston, Texas.

Typical Industries Served: All
Typical Application: NFPA#20 Firewater Pump Packages. 

Phoenix Pump

Firewater Pump Packages


  • Complete customized firewater pump packages.
  • Verticals and horizontals available.
  • Simplex, Duplex and Triplex configurations.
  • NFPA #20.
  • ABS certified.
  • Electric or Diesel drivers.
  • Sound attenuating enclosure available.
  • Control enclosures to area classification.
  • Skid mounted complete with piping, valves, meters, etc.
  • Fully enclosed or open skid designs.
  • Onshore and offshore designs.
  • Special materials available upon request.